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Babykoekjes met weinig suiker

General • Blogs • 11/07/22

Buying baby biscuits: pay attention to this

Your local supermarket has a wide range of baby biscuits. What should you pay attention to? Which biscuits are the better ones? We'll get you started.

Kind lekker in zijn vel vol energie door goede voeding

General • Blogs • 29/06/22

3x the impact of food on a (child’s) body

Do you know what food does in your body? Why your child is full of energy and bouncing off the walls one moment, and whinging and tired the next?

de Kleine Keuken - Blog palmsuiker - ontbossing

General • Blogs • 29/06/22

Palm oil is not cool and very unhealthy!

Palm oil. It sounds kind of cool, right? Something about palm trees on a white beach and a clear blue ocean? So why do we never use palm oil in our products at the Little Kitchen Because it's not as innocent as it sounds...